4th Annual Hawaiian Isles Autofest | Saturday, August 11th, 2007
The 4th Annual Hawaiian Isles Autofest held on Saturday, August 11th, 2007 within the War Memorial Stadium, Kahalui, Maui. Opening it's gates to the general public from 1 p.m. till 9 p.m., the 4th Annual Hawaiian Isles Autofest offered a large assortment of customized vehicles and bikes for one to check out ranging from sky high trucks to body dropped trucks, imports, domestics, street bikes and custom choppers, as well as immaculately restored vintage metal

Live entertainment via live bands and Maui's Q103.7 could be heard throughout the show, as the Nu Skool Graphix $1000 Bikini Contest ended the evening with some of the dopest women Maui and the Shiver Inc. models had to offer

Booths one could check out included none other than Nu Skool Graphix offering a wide range of custom stickers & t-shirts, Xzhibit Wheels & F.T.P., Tricked Out Kustoms & the Shiver Inc. Models, 1320 Performance along side OverGround Magazine offering issues of their magazine from the past to the very present, All Access Entertainment, and a whole lot more

Fast Metal Inc., an Oahu based custom airbag/suspension fabrication specialty shop, was on hand with their exhibition only truck for a hop off slash dance off that dropped the jaws of many of the event's spectators launching the truck's four tires up into the air, it's front & rear along with some side to side action to boot

All in all, a great show with some of the best rides Maui had to offer all within one spot. You can't get any better than this! A big shout out to Desmond & Palani of Nu Skool Graphix, Team Renditions, Kama & Team Kryptonix, and Charlie, Chester, & Shanel for making us feel welcome as usual