2007 Scion Evolution Toys For Tots Cruise and Show & Shine
The "2007 Toys For Tots Cruise & Show and Shine" hosted by the Scion Evolution Hawaii Chapter, and sponsored by Scion Hawaii and Eurosport. Held on Sunday, November 11th, 2007, car clubs and solo riders alike rolled into the Keehi Lagoon Park parking lot at 10 a.m.
11 a.m. came around as participants of the cruise started rolling out towards the parking lot of Eurosport for the "Show & Shine" portion of the event which was held from 1 p.m. till 4 p.m.
The Toys For Tots organization was onhand throughout the afternoon within the parking lot of Eurosport collecting new and unwrapped toys that were donated by the participants of the Cruise & Show and Shine. Door prizes were given out to those that donated a toy
The purpose of the event was to assist the United States Marine Corps "Toys for Tots" program, and collect toys via Hawaii's automotive enthusiasts as donations for the less fortunate children and families during the Christmas season
What a better way of ending the weekend other than with Hawaii's automotive enthusiasts coming together, and supporting a great cause that being the United States Marine Corps "Toys For Tots" program. Found towards the right of the page are photos from the event, and a video clip found up top. Enjoy!