2016 TFO X AGOHI Euro Summer Bash Show & Shine | Keehi Lagoon | 8.21.16
The TFO X AGOHI Euro Summer Bash Show & Shine was held on Sunday, August 21st, 2016 at Keehi Lagoon from 11 p.m. till 3 p.m. Team Foreign Objects & the Audi Group Of Hawaii brought together Oahu's euro community for a Sunday funday under the hot Hawaiian sun in Hawaii Nei. AirRex Digital Air Suspension, Layed Out Inc., Smartwax, & Illest Hawaii were on hand showcasing their latest products & merchandies, as well as sponsoring the numerous raffle prizes that were raffled throughout the day. Found above is our video created from the TFO X AGOHI Euro Summer Bash Show & Shine event, and found right below is a link to our entire image gallery from the TFO X AGOHI Euro Summer Bash Show & Shine event. Enjoy!