Featured Photographer : Chad Ries | Ries Photography

eight08netwp 7 years ago


Chad Ries is an automotive & lifestyle freelance photographer based here on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. With a diverse portfolio, Chad Ries has covered everything from classic cars to super cars, and everything in between including event coverages, senior portraits, family get togethers, and a whole lot more. In our blog interview with Chad Ries, we got to see what’s behind the lense and his thought process with photography in general

Eight08: Hi Chad, please introduce yourself

Chad Ries: Aloha, my name is Chad Ries of Ries Photograhy

Eight08: How long have you been a photographer?

Chad Ries: I’ve been shooting with a DSLR for only 4 years now

Eight08: How did you get into photography?

Chad Ries: I originally took a photography class back in high school, but I bought my first DSLR right before my daughter was born 4 years ago, and got really serious at about that time

Eight08: Did you study photography?

Chad Ries: Again, I originally took a photography class back in high school, but it was a black and white film photography class. And I shot with a point and shoot camera ? but we did develop our own photos and learn how to do multiple exposures. But learning a DLSR was studied with trial and error, friends firing tips, and YouTube. Thanks Fro Knows Photos ?

Eight08: What’s your favorite photograph you’ve ever taken?

Chad Ries: Here are a few of my favorites

Eight08: What equipment do you use now?

Chad Ries: I shoot with a Canon 6D, a Sigma Art 50 1.4, a Canon 24-105, and a Canon 100mm f2.8 macro. As for flashes, I run (2) Yognuo 600EX-RTs and a Yognuo trigger (no shame in my Yognuo game ???)

Eight08: What accessories can’t you live without?

Chad Ries: My accessories that are my necessities would be my CPL filters, my Manfroto tripod. and my Takata camera strap.

Eight08: Tell us the importance of post-production in photography. Want to share your basic post production workflow with us?

Chad Ries: TO ME, post production is very important. It lets you express your artistic SIDE in your editing. It allows you to tailor your photos exactly to how you want them to look, without being limited to just what’s out of the camera

Eight08: Who inspires you in photography, and why?

Chad Ries: There are two people in Photography. I look up to them because they paved the way for automotive photographers since day one, and are still killing it till today! And they are Frank Hosaka and Peter Rosario. I have the utmost respect for them

Eight08: Any tips for aspiring photographers? Any tips that a beginning photographer should try?

Chad Ries: My tips to aspiring photographers would be to always practice, on anything and everything. Learn to be versatile. Learn your camera and your equipment. Never lose your passion and always have fun. Think outside the box and make your pics express who you are and what you want the world to see through your lens, from your point of view

Eight08: Now we are going to be a bit more personal with Chad before we end this interview. When you are not doing photography, what do you do to pass the time?

Chad Ries: When I’m not shooting, I’m a father and a husband and we do the family things lol. I run my Camry Group on Instagram and Facebook called Camrys United. I also Run an Automotive and Photography enthusiast page on facebook, along with a handful of others. And me and a few of my friends run the Instagram page @Air_Culture and I’m also a gear head and have been since day one. I build my daughters mini Bentley power wheels and my Toyota Camry. I also tinker with led lighting projects, fresh and salt water aquariums, and all kinds of other stuff. I have too many hobbies but not enough time or money to support them all ??‍♂️

Eight08: What do you drive?

Chad Ries: I drive a custom painted, air bagged, tricked out, daily driven 2012 Camry which can be found below

Eight08: Favorite quote?

Chad Ries: My favorite quote would have to be “Built not Bought”

Eight08: Any shout outs?

Chad Ries: I’d like to give a shout out to my wife and daughter for putting up with all my bs. A shout out to my Dragtech Racing Fam, 808 Xclusive Rides, and also to all my friends and car fam. And to all that support my photography and help me learn and grow

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Hawaii Automotive And Photography Enthusiasts




