EIGHT08 BLOGS: Lanikai Pillbox Hike

eight08netwp 5 years ago

The Lanikai Pillbox Hike, also known as the Ka’iwa Ridge Trail, is one of the easiest and most picturesque hiking trails on Oahu Nei

Located in Kailua, Hawaii, the Lanikai Pillbox Hike is a short and sometimes narrow trail featuring (2) military bunkers and a panoramic view of Lanikai Beach. Despite the hike being easy and family friendly, the Lanikai Pillbox Hike is ranked intermediate due to it’s long steep climb up the initial part of the ridge as pictured above. Loose gravel and rocks can be found throughout the hike as well. Appropriate hiking shoes is a must otherwise your ass will be sliding down segments of the hiking trail as yours truly did ? ?‍♂️

The Lanikai Pillbox Hike overlooks the upscale neighborhood of Lanikai and Lanikai Beach as well as Kailua and Waimanalo Beach in the distance

Fun fact: The “Pillboxes” were military observation stations during World War II. Because the “Pillboxes” weren’t used for defensive armament during World War II, the word pillbox and/or pillboxes are technically an incorrect term for the concrete bunkers that can be found within the Ka’iwa Ridge Trail

The two islands on the horizon pictured above are the Mokulua Islands. Moku Nui Island on the left and Moku Iki Island on the right both of which are popular kayaking destinations

SMILE ? You’re on EIGHT08 ?

No handshakes ? Just Shakas ? Especially during this worldwide pandemic of ours. Fun fact: In Hawaii, everyone from keikis to kupunas use the ? Shaka ? hand gesture to express friendship, gratitude, goodwill, encouragement and unity. A little wave of the hand spreads a lot of ALO\000/HA ?

Making memories on a Sunday morning here in Oahu Nei. Lucky We Live Hawaii. Hana Hou!

Happy Hiking,

Peter Rosario

Lanikai Pillbox Hike

265 Kaelepulu Drive

Kailua, Hawaii 96734


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