Front Yard Hydraulics Drive By Graduation Celebration | 5.30.21

Front Yard Hydraulics aka Mamerto and Reina Magsipoc held a Drive By Graduation Celebration on Sunday, May 30th, 2021 from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. in honor of their son Jioffre Oswald R. Magsipoc who is a recent graduate of Waipahu High School. Family, friends, and Oahu’s Lowriding Community were all invited in celebration of Jioffre Oswarld R. Magsipoc’s accomplishement

Clubs in attendance included Supremacy Car Club, Elite Car Club, Old Image Car Club, Childhood Dreams Car Club, The Other’s Car Club, Timeless Car Club, Pamilya Always Car Club, Lowriders Pride Car Club, Tru Rydaz Car Club, Affiliated Hawaii, and a whole lot more including solo riders who could more than hold it down on their own

And the obligatory group shot atop a fork lift ? before the sun began to set ? SMILE ? You’re on EIGHT08 ?

Pictured above rolling through the Drive By and kickin’ it was Richie Cabebe in his 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood representing Lowriders Pride Car Club

Old Image Car Club always rolling in strong with a host of lowriders under their belts

Pictured above rolling through the Drive By and kickin’ it was Scott Miller and fam in their 1961 Chevrolet Impala representing Supremacy Car Club

Congratulations Jioffre Oswald R. Magsipoc from your SUPREMACY X EIGHT08 Familia ? Picture above ☝️ from left to right is Jo Anne Miller, Scott Miller, Nikki Miller, Charlie Molina, Jioffre Oswald R. Magsipoc, yours truly, Wendy Molina, and Eric Valiente ?

On behalf of, I’d like to personally congratulate Jioffre Oswald R. Magsipoc ? Keep rising UP ☝️ Keep pushing ? forward ?? And keep reaching for the sky ☀️ Waipahu C/O 2021 ?
Peter Rosario