EIGHT08 Featured Rider: Candace Izumi

Name: Candace Izumi
Hometown: Hilo, Hawaii
Residence: Oahu, Hawaii

Race Bike: Suzuki GSX-R 1000 aka Raiden
Raiden’s Fast Mods: Garrett GT2860 turbo. DME subframe. McIntosh swingarm. Fiberglass fairings and tank. Shortened front forks. Air shifter. Reflashed factory ECU
Raiden’s Fast Facts: 1/4 Mile ET: 8.0000 React: .9698 60 FT: 1.2825 1/4 MPH: 166.63
Other accomplishments: 2008 Memorial Day Races 2nd Place Pro Gas, 2008 October Bracket Races 1st Place Pro Gas, and 2010 Memorial Day Races 2nd Place Pro Gas all of which occured within the Hilo Drag Strip on the Big Island Of Hawaii and all of which were IHRA sanctioned events
Candace Izumi owns the Fastest No Wheelie Bar drag bike in Hawaii Nei, and Yes, Candace Izumi is currently looking for sponsors as of this current 2022 racing season

EIGHT08: How did you get into riding motorcycles Candace?
Candace Izumi: When I was 4 years old or so, my dad worked at an auto body shop where one day I was there at a barbeque with him and his coworkers. He let his coworker take me around the shop on the tank of his Harley Davidson and that’s where the my motorcycling bug began. Fast forward to when I grew up some, I rode on the back of my friend’s streetbike just once and knew I needed to have my own motorcycle. I took the bike safety class in Hilo so my parents wouldn’t freak out too much about me being on a bike and started riding around my first motorcycle
EIGHT08: How long have you been riding motorcycles Candace?
Candace Izumi: I believe I’ve been riding since 2004. When I first moved up to Oahu, my GSX-R 750 and after that, my 1000, Raiden, were my main sources of transportation for a while

EIGHT08: What was your first bike and what do you ride now Candace?
Candace Izumi: My first bike was a 2003 Yamaha R6. It was a great first bike for me. My 2003 Yamaha R6 was great to ride and it wasn’t a pain to work on. I currently have my race bike which is a GSX-R 1000 aka Raiden which I converted to full race duty over 8 years ago currently located on the island of Maui. I got an opportunity last year to purchase another GSX-R 1000 for parts for Raiden just in case anything major of his breaks which I currently ride occasionally here in the streets of Oahu Nei

EIGHT08: What type of riding do you do Candace?
Candace Izumi: Right now I only drag race on the outer islands, mainly Maui. Hopefully I get to go back to my hometown in Hilo to race and then Kauai after that. I would’ve gotten into riding around on a road course, but the same year that I moved to Oahu was the same year that Hawaii Raceway Park closed, so there went that dream. There is currently no race track or road coarse on Oahu, and no road courses at all on the outer islands. I used to ride up Saddle Road on the Big Island, and random twisties here on Oahu, but I’ve had too many close calls with vehicles on the road so I just cruise it whenever I ride around nowadays

EIGHT08: How did you get into drag racing motorcycles Candace?
Candace Izumi: The first time I went over 100mph on my R6, I knew I had to take two wheels to the racetrack. I was already into drag racing for a while, but in a car, my fun old Honda CRX. The Suzuki GSX-R’s were more popular platforms to race on so I sold my R6

EIGHT08: Any outside interests other than motorcycles and drag racing Candace?
Candace Izumi: I’m also into photography. I love taking automotive photos the most, but I also enjoy taking photos of people too. Hoping to get back into playing tennis

EIGHT08: How has motorcycling changed your life Candace?
Candace Izumi: It’s the perfect outlet for me that no other hobby I’ve been into has the same effect. I have grown so much as a person with motorcycling in my life. Motorcycling gives me confidence, especially when I beat my personal bests in regards to drag racing. Motorcycling has taught me to be a better driver in general as well

EIGHT08: What’s the biggest lesson motorcycling has taught you Candace?
Candace Izumi: The biggest lesson I learned through motorcycling is that dreams can come true if you apply yourself, keep at it, and surround yourself with great friends that genuinely want to see you succeed. There will be rough times like when bike parts break or things just don’t go as planned, but just like in life and love, when things go wrong, you need to find out how to fix things and move forward

EIGHT08: Any last words Candace?
Candace Izumi: Thank you so much to Collo’s Garage, EBSpeed, Maui Toyota, Andy’s Motorcycle Shop, Montgomery Power Sports, fellow Maui racers & racetrack staff and my friends and family for your unending support and help through my racing career