OSIXHI Hot Malasada Meet N Greet | 7.14.23

eight08netwp 2 years ago

OSIXHI aka Old School Imports X Hawaii held their stir of the moment Hot Malasada Meet N Greet fronting Leonard’s Malasademobile within the Pearlridge Shopping Center on Friday, July 14th, 2023 welcoming guests from Japan and Las Vegas, Nevada while bringing together old school imports and like minded automotive enthusiasts on a Friday afternoon

Despite this particular Meet N Greet being malasada based per say, I was famished from an 8 hour work shift and decided to hit up Laverne’s Food Truck for some local kine grinds

Pictured below is an order or their #5 Combo consisting of Lau Lau and Kahlua Pig accompanied by their Lomi Salmon, a scoop of rice, and Haupia 😋

Hana Hou,

Peter Rosario