EIGHT08 EATS: Aloha Donut Company

eight08netwp 12 months ago

Aloha Donut Company is a donut shop located in Honolulu, Hawaii infusing local flavors like guava, lilikoi, and lychee into their donuts and adding a taste of Aloha into every bite

Pictured below is their Chocolate Cake Donut

Pictured below is their Vanilla Glazed Donut

Pictured below is their Cinnamon Sugar Cake Donut

Pictured above and below is an order of their Andagi Hotdog accompanied with a Chili Aioli sauce. Verdict: (5) out of (5) Shakas

Happy Eats,

Peter Rosario

Aloha Donut Company

1742 South King Street

Honolulu, Hawaii 96826
