EIGHT08 EATS: National Macaroni Day

eight08netwp 12 months ago

Each year on July 7th, pasta lovers across the nation dig into one of their favorite noodle that being the Macaroni. I believe that the Macaroni is a major player in regards to Hawaii’s starch consumption second only to rice due to the popularity of Macaroni Salad which can be basically found within each and every plate lunch in Hawaii Nei. Found within this blog are a variety of establishments incorporating Macaroni within their menus throughout Oahu Nei. Be sure to check them out 👍

First stop Zippy’s! Zippy’s incorporates Macaroni into their menu via their Macaroni Salad. Zippy’s Macaroni Salad is basically the gold standard of Macaroni Salads in which other macaroni salads are judged by

La Tour Cafe features European inspired cuisine, freshly baked goods, and local ingredients with (4) locations to choose from on Oahu Nei

La Tour Cafe incorporates Macaroni into their menu via their Mac & Cheese as pictured above and below. Their Mac & Cheese consists of Cheddar, Havarti, Parmesan, Bechamel, and Macaroni topped with toasted breadcrumbs

Happy Eats,

Peter Rosario