Angel Villa Pascua Jr. Memorial Cruise

The VW Club Of Hawaii and Oahu’s air cooled Volkswagen community got together for a Memorial Cruise in remembrance of Angel Villa Pascua Jr. on Sunday, June 12th, 2022

Date: Sunday, June 12th, 2022. Time: 9:02 A.M. Location: Kamehameha Highway, Aiea, Hawaii. Destination: Angel Villa Pascua Jr. Memorial Cruise. Fortunately for your truly, I was able to ride shotgun with Alfred Decierdo in his 1964 Volkswagen Beetle. Full feature of Alfred Decierdo’s 1964 Volkswagen Beetle can be found by clicking on the link provided below ?

We had stopped by the home of an aquaintance of Alfred Decierdo in Kalihi, Hawaii that being Roy Tampon so they could roll in together towards Angel Villa Jr.’s Memorial Cruise

Pictured above and below is Roy Tampon’s 1957 and 1964 Volkswagen Beetle. Roy Tampon decided to roll in his 1964 Volkswagen Beetle for Angel Villa Pascua Jr.’s Memorial Cruise. Living right across of Roy Tampon was his younger brother Ricky Tampon who brought out his 1964 Volkswagen Buggy as well

A quick stop at a nearby gas station and we were on our way towards Angel Villa Pascua Jr. Memorial Cruise’s First Stop that being Nico’s Pier 38 in Honolulu, Hawaii

First Stop: Nico’s Pier 38 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Fun Fact: Nico’s Pier 38 is a large waterside restaurant showcasing locally sourced seafood and dishes

Pictured above from left to right is Sal Acosta of the VW Club Of Hawaii, Alfred Decierdo, Todd Matsumoto of the VW Club Of Hawaii, and Darryl Cambia Jr. ?

A prayer was said for Angel Villa Pascua Jr., his family members, and those participating within his Memorial Cruise before we headed out towards Ala Moana Beach and Waikiki

And an impromptu stop at the Aloha Island Mart in Waikiki, Hawaii was in order for a quick rest break and refreshements ?

Second Stop: Fort Ruger Park aka Triangle Park to the locals in Waikiki, Hawaii

Pictured above from left to right is Justin Pascual, Ikaika, Stacy, and Carly Rose Ramos, Adrian Chaviera, Julian Pascual, Angelo Pascual, Angel Villa Pascua Jr.’s mother Almeda Feltro, Chris Acosta, Vic Pascual, Mark Pascua, Jenda Chaviera, and Alyxia Chaviera. May Angel Villa Pascua Jr. rest forever under our Lord’s warm loving embrace ☝️ ? Always Remembered. Never Forgotten

“We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for everyone who attended the VW cruise in memory Angel Jr. Pascua. He was a VW enthusiast, building motors with his brother and friends, and participating in race events at the Campbell Industrial Race Track. We know that he would appreciate all that you have done in creating this cruise in his remembrance. Thank you again for you love and support!”
The Pascua Family

On behalf of, I’d like to extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Pascua Ohana
Peter Rosario

Third and Final Stop: Sandy Beach for some Vitamin Sea and photo ops ?

Before heading home, we decided to do a pit stop at Rainbow Drive-In for some local kine grinds aka a plate lunch or two. Chili Dog Plate and a BBQ Pork Plate FTW ?

Be sure to check out our food blog regarding Rainbow Drive-In by clicking on the link provided below ?